
A True Friend

             One day in the Riba forest contained a pair of a friend, they are peacock and crow. Peacock have beautiful hair and colors. While the ravens his entire body there is only black color. But they don’t think of it as a problem.
             But lately ravens often glum. Because the rest of the forest talk about it with the peacock. Many think that the ravens and peacock wouldn’t deserve if they make friends.The words of and put-downs received ravens make it away peacock, because the ravens thinking that peacock will get a more beautiful than herself. But the peacock not berfikiran like that. Peacock said to the ravens “hi ravens although as beautiful as any rupamu but if your heart ugly I wouldn’t want to be your friend, but instead although as bad as any rupamu but your heart is beautiful and sincere I would never left. I do not need a friend who beautiful that I need is a friend who has a sincere heart like you. And remember because the body only memeliki black color that you can fly free over there without thinking of human. While I? I also wanted to like a jackdaw can live quietly without thinking of the man who will take bulu-buluku beautiful. If you do not want to be friends with I’m not a problem but I’ll still think you’re as my best friend”. Hearing the words of peacock ravens was realized that in this world there is no perfect and he promised peacock in order to remain to be friends forever and not looked at someone from the outside, but also of his heart.

Moral : make friend without looked outside, but also his heart


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